SOUND OF NAIROBI is an open-access digital archive of Nairobi’s soundscapes.

What can sound tell us about a city and its people?

How does sound affect life quality?
What can we learn from paying attention to our sonic environment?
Can sound be used for historical documentation?
In what ways can audio documents be archived and accessed, now and in posterity?
What else can a sound archive be used for?
What can we know from sound?

We are actively investigating these questions through three main methods:

– Through practical listening and recording workshops we seek engage with a wider public into listening as a way of experiencing the world. We engage in collective listening and hearing sessions to explore what kind of knowledge sound can produce

– We reach out to experts across many disciplines (i.e. sound studies, architecture, urban studies, environmental studies, electrical engineering, art, archives, programming …) to broaden our perspectives, learn and discuss about areas where sound might or already plays an important role. Further how the construction of the archive can profit from this expertise and likewise how the experts can provit from the archive

– With artists and musicians we investigate how field recordings can be used and how the archive become an active place of exchange

The archive hopes to be a useful resource for researchers, artists, cultural producers, students and anyone else interested in learning more about Nairobi and its people through sound. You are most welcome to listen, contribute and share our city’s rich (and often noisy!) story.

We are still at the beginning and trying to figure out how to establish this archive as a way of knowledge production which is democratic, fair, usable and valuable. We are looking forward to work on that.

The SOUND OF NAIROBI team currently is Raphael Kariuki, Sophia Bauer, Brian Muhia and Junniah Wamaitha.

SOUND OF NAIROBI won the Sound of the Year Award 2020 in der category Sound Innovator! Yey:)

If you have any questions or suggestions get in touch!

You can use our archive for free but to support us on ko-fi! So that we can stay alive.

Creative Commons License All the tracks in the SOUND OF NAIROBI archive are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. If you upload a soundfile to the archive be aware that it will be shared and used under these conditions.